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Pond Meadow School

Details of Project

  • Client: Pond Meadow School
  • Used Tools: Business Catalyst platform, Adobe suite.
  • Languaje: English.

Pond Meadow is a special needs school. They had an old web site and needed a new responsive site that also incorporated a series of features, especially the ability for class teachers to update their news and blog posts. Incorporating Widgit, a system to transform sentences into symbols that facilitates reading for some special needs chilcdren.

We worked on their site from 2017 to 2020, when Business Catalyst closed.

Things we completed

  • Initial consultation.
  • Design of web site, incorporation of Widgit.
  • Training.
  • Newsletter.
  • Secure zones for staff, teachers and parents.

Vision Newsletter


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Choose the languaje for the newsletter.