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Freemantles Pond Meadow Free School

  • Front page of Freemantles Pond Meadow project.

Details of Project

  • Client: Freemantles Pond Meadow Free School
  • Used Tools: Business Catalyst platform.
  • Languaje: English.

Community website to distribute information and collect support for a new free school in project. The new school will be a high quality special education school close to home.

The new website should be live in a short time and newsletter capabilities were a requirement.

The website should no need much maintenance and this is the reason, together with the email marketing capabilities, why Business Catalyst was chosen.

As the application to open a new Special Free School was unsuccessful, the website closed.

Things we completed

  • Inicial consultation. Template based website design live.
  • Newsletter live. Secure zone for prospective parents.
  • Website closed and taken off-line..

Vision Newsletter


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Languaje *
Choose the languaje for the newsletter.