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Easy, healthy kids recipes

  • Easy, healthy kids recipes.

Details of Project

  • Client: Kids Recipes.
  • Used Tools: Drupal, Adobe suite.
  • Language: English.


Founded in 2005, Kids Recipes ( helped with cooking the right food for children from an early age to their late teens, including college student menus, and to introduce them to healthy eating habits from early so they will continue to eat well and live healthily through their lives. The website and publications were full of great ideas to give kids a balanced diet, including basic nutrition for children, and a varied selection of easy, fun to eat recipes that will keep kids as happy as they are healthy.

The site was a pioneer on digital publishing and its book content could be accessed in several digital formats, including reading the book with a plain web browser. The site owner made a publishing deal and the most of the private content will be delivered through other digital platform.

Kids Recipes reopened maintaining the blog free recipes and the private content that will not get into the printed book. Allabor will manage the newsletters. A sign up page for Foodstuffs and Gourmet Kid will be set up on this site.

Things we completed

  • Migration from HTML pages to Drupal 6, upgrade to Drupal 7, upgrade to Drupal 8 and Drupal 9.
  • HTML5, responsive theme, Bootsrap.
  • Recipe section, private content.
  • Social media integration.

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